
Friday, July 22, 2011

Test Run

2 days off from running seems like eternity...

I want to run, I need to run  but I know I needed some time off.  My IT band is tight and so it makes my left hip hurt.  I did nothing yesterday.  That was hard.

Today I had 0 pain in my hip.  I decided to take a test run around my neighborhood.  My only plan was to stop if my hip hurt at all.  I went around 1.5 miles.  I am guessing, no garmin today.  No pain:)  I did "feel"it the first few minutes.  I think that was only because I was concentrating so much on if I was hurting or not.  Then I just forgot about it.  

I didn't want to stop even though the weather said feels like 98.  But I need to save every last drop of energy I have for my long run tomorrow. 

I really hope I can make it.  HOT and HUMID is the forecast.  Boo!! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad no hip pain! Good luck on tomorrow's long run! Wish I Iived closer and was running with you!
