
Monday, July 11, 2011

Recovery Run?

Technically today was not a recovery run because I took yesterday completely off from running.  But it sure felt like it!  I was so tired when my alarm went off this morning.  I almost didn't get out of bed.  I am so glad I did though because the weather was incredibly hot here today and there is no way I could have ran tonight.  I think the high was 95 with the heat index of 117.  Way tooo hot!

I did an easy 7 miles this morning.  I wasn't trying to go fast but I don't think I could have even if I wanted to.  My legs did not feel sore but had no spring in them.  I was hoping I would feel a little better having a day of no running.  What kind of run do you like to do after a long run?
Resting as Nathan threw mulch in my hair
I had little energy all day.  I bribed the 2 older kids and told them if they let me lay down for an hour while Nathan took his nap then I would take them to Orange leaf after he woke up.  It sort of worked... They only came in my room 3 times.  I did feel better after a little rest and off we went to Orange Leaf.
The kids at OrangeLeaf
If you have never been to Orange Leaf, let me tell you it is awesome!  It is a self serve frozen yogurt place.  You pick the flavors you want and also the toppings.
Jackson's dish
I read a lot of runner's blogs and it seems like everyone else is obsessed with these frozen yogurt places too!  Maybe running makes you crave ice cream/frozen yogurt?!
Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I was the crazy one to run in the 95 degree weather tonight. Had to be done though since just got home from Canada at 4pm.
