
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekly Recap: Confidence Booster

On Saturday, I started my run thinking I was going to be a good patient and only run 12 miles and then do 8 miles on the elliptical.  But then when it was time for me to break off from the group, I couldn't do it.  I had a choice to finish off the run by my myself and then do 8 boring miles on the elliptical.  Or I could actually do a 20 mile run with a fun group of runners on the beautiful Monon Trail in the most perfect weather.  So of course I choose running.  My foot was not hurting worse than the first step I took so I thought I was ok...

I have to say the first 15 miles flew by.  It was really nice running with a big group.  So many conversations going on.  At mile 17-18, I was done though.  My endurance isn't quite where it should be.  One of the girls in the group needed to get back quicker so she picked up the pace at the end.  I was not feeling great but just wanted to be done so bad.  So I stuck with her.  I ran mile 19 in 8:35 and mile 20 in 8:20.  I have been having a hard time hitting 8:20 in a 5 mile run since my injury and today I ran one after running 19 miles.  Where have these legs been?

What a confidence booster to complete a 20 mile run!  And I definitely ran negative splits.  The saying goes... If you can run 20 miles then you can run 26.2 miles.  Unfortunately I know this isn't true though.  Well for a lot of people it is, but not for me.  I did two 20 mile runs last year before my first marathon.  Although I did make it the 26.2 miles, there was more walking then running the last few miles.  Even so, I am stilling feeling great that I made it.  Maybe I can do this thing?!

Today I am feeling a little more sore than I would like.  Still not too bad though.  My foot feels the same.  So I take that as good news.

Weekly Recap:

Monday:  Swim 1000 meters
Tuesday:  5 mile run
Wednesday:  Rest
Thursday:  5 mile run, 4.5 Elliptical
Friday:  2 mile run, 3 mile elliptical
Saturday:  20 miles
Sunday:  Rest

Let the taper begin...and the healing too.

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