
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday and Saturday Recap: 11 mile run and family time

On Friday, I did an easy 4 mile run with my sister and her friend Becca.  It was a nice run and I felt like I was done before I even got started.
Katie and Becca

Later that night, Ryan and I went to see Harry Potter.  We really enjoyed the movie.  We of course had are usual: popcorn, nachos and a Dr. Pepper.

I know this is not that best food before a long run.  But the extra salt will help, right?  And it was a taper week too.

I woke up early Saturday and met my sister for another run together.  We did the first 7 miles together and then I continued on to do 4 more on my own.  Ok, I have been running for a little over a year consistently and she has been running for only a little over a month consistently.  Yet she totally kept up!  If she trained like I did, she would be an amazing runner.  Someday we will run a marathon together.  Don't you think she should do it?
Me and Katie

The run overall went fine.  I actually wanted to run 12 but only had time for 11.  My pace was ok averaging right around 8:40 min/miles.   This is right around the pace that I wanted to run this week but I just wish it would have felt a little easier.

My hydration was great.  I drank my entire gatorade and stopped once at a water fountain.  I drank and drank and drank at the fountain.  I know this may not seem like a big deal but prior to last year I couldn't drink anything during my running.  It would make me nausea.  I would run half-marathons and only drink 1 or 2 sips the entire race.  Obviously I wouldn't make it through a marathon if I did this so I really had to work on this last year.  It was still hard and I definitely still did not drink enough.  I feel like my body not only can tolerate it this year but wants it.  Still need to work on getting the calories in while running.  I only took 1 Clif shot block (equal to 1/3 of a gu).

Once back home it was right to the shower and then off with the family to Culver Academy for the town Lake Festival and a visit to the campus.  (No rest for this mommy!)  It is beautiful there!  Ryan has made a lot of amazing videos for them and we were able to get a special tour of the campus.
Nathan on pony ride
Kaitlyn on pony ride

Jackson going down slide
I didn't take any pictures of the Culver campus but it really was beautiful.

Definitely a fun packed day!  I am tired now.  I am ready for a rest day all around tomorrow.
What exciting things did you do this weekend?

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