
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving: Turkey Trot Recap

Guess What?  I finished a race!!  Now that is something I am thankful for.

10K Race in 50:38 (8:09min/mile).
After the race photo

What else am I thankful for...

1.  My 3 amazing children!  They are the best things that have ever happened to me.  Pure love=Kaitlyn, Jackson and Nathan

2.  My wonderful husband, Ryan.  Next month will be our 10 year anniversary and we have been together for 16+ years.  I can't imagine going through life without him.

3.  My sister, Katie.  The bond we share is something I will always treasure.  I can be my complete self around her and she loves me no less.

4.  My brothers, Mike,Andrew, and Aaron.  I just wished they lived closer.  Hint, hint...

5.  My parents.  I know they will always be there for me no matter what.  They are also amazing grandparents.

6.  My friends.  I have some pretty wonderful friends from high school through residency and now grown up? friends.  They even let me call them an complain about stupid things like a bad run and listen like they truly care.

7.  My job.  I love my job!  I don't dream of doing anything else (except being a professional runner...ha!)

8.  Running.  Running has changed my life and I can't imagine not having it be a part of my life.  I feel like I can conquer the world after a good morning run.

9.  My healed foot?  Today in over 3 months I ran pain free!  It was amazing!

10.  My life.  It's like that song...What's there to complain about?

So on to my very happy race recap...  It was not a PR and actually is was my slowest 10K time ever (I have only done 3) but I ran pain free.  I forgot how good that feels.

Mile 1:  7:53
Mile 2:  8:09
Mile 3:  8:17
Mile 4:  8:16
Mile 5:  8:20
Mile 6: 8:16
Mile 6.2:  7:17

Mile 1...felt good.  I really didn't want to start out that fast since I have done 0 speed work in months but it is hard to slow down in a race.
Mile 2... Smiling, loving life.  Some down hills that I loved flying down.
Mile 3... Holding strong, still smiling
Mile 4....At this point, I started playing leap frog with a guy.  At the end I pulled away and then he caught me and sprinted past me at the finish.  After the race he turned around and gave me a high five.  I love runners!  It's like we are all in it together and everyone tries to push each other to finish strong:)
Mile 5...This mile was all up hill.  Nothing too steep but constant.
Mile 6... I never felt like I wanted to walk.  I still had the biggest smile on face.  Because did I mention that I was running pain free!
Last .2...I gave it all I had through the finish.

So unfortunately I was not listening at the start of the race and ran over the wrong timing mat (there was also a 5K race) and so my chip time was not recorded only my overall time.  Which was not accurate because I was in the middle of the pack.  So I used my overall garmin time.  My garmin was right on with the mile markers too.

Ryan also ran a great race and Kaitlyn did the 5K and came in 3rd in her age division!
Kaitlyn after finishing her 5K race.  
We had a car full of 9 people that did the Turkey Trot:  Ryan and I did the 10K.  Andrew, Aaron, Kaitlyn, Braedon, Katie, Katie, and Cyndi did the 5K.  Super fun morning!  Followed by a wonderful thanksgiving meal.

I wish I had some more time to actually train properly for my next half marathon in 1 week!  But I am so happy that I finally feel like I am on the right track again with my running.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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